Cleaning Service

Green Clean/No or Low Scent

We at M.O.R. are very aware of the huge impact the cleaning industry in general has on our environment and always strive to minimize that impact. Our everyday policy is to use as little product as possible. Whenever it is practical we use a simple water/vinegar solution. It is also our policy to minimize the amount of garbage bags and liners used due to the length of time these take to decompose in our landfills. This not only cuts down on your costs, it is also better for our planet.

We do as much recycling as possible and your facility allows and can offer ideas on easy to implement office policies that actually work, in order to not add additional costs where recycling is concerned.

The products we use are very low scent products and as yet have never caused a problem in any office where sensitivities to scents are an issue. We can easily adjust our product usage should this ever become a concern.

Serving Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and surrounding areas